ICON Southie®

'Prime Lamb Sires for the Serious Producers'
The ICON Southie is a terminal breed developed by Chrome Sheep Studs specifically for the prime lamb market in southern Australia.
The breed was developed here at Chrome in response to a need in the Australian lamb industry needing a fast growing, very early maturing lamb, that also had exceptional lambing ease.
The Icon Southie is a great terminal sire for those producers mating ewe lambs, as the lambs are easily born, then hit the ground and grow. Lambs are designed to finish at lighter weights, but easily hit the grid in the 18-24 kg carcass bracket.
The ICON Southie cross lambs are very easy doing sheep and are easily finished on grass or in a feedlot situation with very few lambs requiring shearing.
The modern day ICON Southie rams at Chrome are predominately 75% Southdown and 25% Poll Dorset but are bred to a Southdown type.
The rams have solid constitution, tough black feet and longevity and are very suitable for joining with ewe lambs as well as mature age ewes.